Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Bintang Sejahtera Company Profile

UD. Bintang Sejahtera is a plastic recycling company registered in Kota Mataram (TDP :, and SIUP : 23.07/2012-02/0118 ) with production volume up to 40 tons per month. We started our business in January 2010 with two major concerns, to take a part in solving the waste problems and create jobs for unskilled and uneducated people who live under poverty line in Lombok. At the moment we already hired 6 operators and 25 personnel to sort out our raw materials. They can earn from IDR 600.000 to 1.000.000 per month. We buy plastic waste from our suppliers, and process it with two crushing machines, then sell it to some buyer companies in Surabaya (PT. Sumber Plastik, PT. Duta Waru Plastik, etc). Our supplier networks cover the area of Kota Mataram, Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah and Lombok Timur. Nevertheless, we also include the street vendors and restaurants in Kota Mataram in our supplier networks. From approximately 20 big suppliers throughout Lombok, 2.500 street vendors and restaurants in Kota Mataram and all Waste Landfills in Lombok and Sumbawa (up to 2000 tons plastic waste are available), the supply of plastic waste is sufficient for plastic business today and tomorrow.
In doing our works, we cooperate with communities, individuals, schools and private parties/companies as well as government institutions. We have close cooperation with Bank Sampah Kota Mataram under the supervision of Department of Sanitation of Kota Mataram (Dinas Kebersihan) to manage the waste of Kota Mataram. We also give support to Tourism Department (Dinas Pariwisata) of West Nusa Tenggara Province in their efforts to clean the environment which will give great contribution to green tourism in West Nusa Tenggara. Together we are creating a progressive movement as a breakthrough in changing the features of West Nusa Tenggara Province, for the people and the environment..